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Crafting More Than Objects: The Impact of Woodworking Class on Students

Certain school subjects stand as pillars, 为学生提供的不仅仅是课堂技能,他们还提供了塑造他们智力和情感成长的经历. Woodworking or “Crafts” class, often overlooked in today's digital age, 在培养超越教科书和课堂范围的全面教育方面发挥着关键作用. 

At The Green Vale School, Crafts program has long been a point of pride in the curriculum. 虽然它珍视传统,比如三年级标志性的胡桃夹子和五年级的帆船, essence of this program transcends these objects. 真正的精髓根植于这个过程——学习超越了制作的内容,延伸到创造的行为中.

Hands-On Learning in a Digital Era

在一个由屏幕和键盘主导的时代,动手学习具有无与伦比的重要性. Crafts class offers a sanctuary where students engage their tactile senses, working with real materials in three-dimensional space. 这种体验式学习不仅迎合了不同的学习方式,而且还促进了对概念的更深层次的理解, making education more holistic and comprehensive.

According to an article written for the New York Times, “Kids learn from physical work just as they do from mental labor, and when the two are interwoven, academic learning can also improve. Moving our bodies and letting our minds wander bring renewed focus. According to popular educational theory, 有些孩子是教育家所说的触觉型学习者——他们在动觉教学中表现得特别好,动觉教学包括主动做而不是被动吸收. Schools apply these ideas to early childhood education, with its emphasis on sand tables and hands-on learning. 但年龄较大的学生,尤其是男孩和有注意力障碍的孩子,也会受益.”

Green Vale Crafts teacher Scott Carro joined the School from Austin, TX, where he ran woodworking programs for children as young as Kindergarten. He brought with him a collection of antique tools, many of which the students use regularly, such as a shaving horse he made himself, and a set of Stanley planes from the 1920s. 

“我喜欢向他们展示,当学校成立时使用的技术今天仍然很好用.”The Practical Meets the Intellectual

手工艺课是实践性和智力参与的融合. Beyond merely teaching students how to shape wood or create crafts, this class fosters problem-solving 技能, spatial awareness, and the ability to transform abstract ideas into tangible objects. Through the process of conceptualization, 规划, 和执行, 学生们学习将想象转化为现实的艺术,这是一种超越木工车间并渗透到他们全球最大彩票网站排名各个方面的技能.

Carro takes time to educate his students about different kinds of tools. 向他们展示完全不同的设计如何实现相同的目标,让他们以切实的方式接触工程和创新. They compare a Western push-cut saw with a Japanese-style saw, and learn when to use a spokeshave rather than a hand plane. 学生们明白“横切”和“纵切”与木材的纹理有关, which dictates why you need two types of teeth. They learn why a brace generates more torque than a bit drill, and also sample a vintage egg-beater drill.


木工为帮助学生注意周围事物的构造提供了一个环境. “I ask them to look at the joinery around their houses. Where do they see dovetail? Where do they see mortise and tenon?” 

他还教学生十大网络彩票平台大全木材本身的知识,并将不同类型的木材与不同的树木联系起来. When a black cherry tree fell on campus, 卡罗很快带学生们到外面去观察他用电锯切割部分,并将内部与大多数课堂项目中使用的软松木进行比较. Some older students practiced wood splitting. 到年底,他们将能够使用校园树木制作的木板,这证明了这一点 “wood does not just come from Home Depot,”  俏皮话Carro.

The Fine Balance of Patience and Persistence

亲手创造需要耐心和坚持,而这些在今天的即时满足文化中往往是缺乏的. In Crafts class, students encounter the beauty of delayed gratification. 从零开始创造东西的漫长过程教会了他们坚持不懈的美德, honing their ability to stay committed to a task until completion. 无论是建造一个简单的鸟舍还是制作一件复杂的家具, journey fosters discipline and resilience.

Carro also points to the benefits of a long-term project, 比如令人瞩目的长达一年的五年级船,从简单的木板开始. 他使用手动工具而不是电动工具,只是为了“让时间慢下来”。. Attention span, focus, and 耐心 are exercised as a result. 

木材建筑的过程需要智力和情感技能,如规划, 耐心, fine motor 技能, abstract thinking, 精度, 测量, and self-control. 

“When students bring completed work home, I encourage parents to look beyond just the appearance of the piece. Ask your child what tools they used. 问问他们在完成过程中采取了哪些步骤,最大的挑战是什么.”

Building Blocks of Creativity and Confidence

Crafting involves more than the mastery of tools and materials; it is an act of creative expression. 手工课成为创造力的实验室,学生们在这里探索各种可能性. The freedom to experiment, to make mistakes, 无惧失败的创新培养了一种创造性的自信. It's here that students learn to trust their instincts, push boundaries, 拥抱创造独特事物的喜悦——这是他们成长为创新者和问题解决者的关键因素.

十大网络彩票平台大全的一些项目则适合彩色油漆工作, such as 3rd Grade nutcrackers, 卡罗认为,其他作品从展示工具痕迹和天然木纹中获益更多. 他正在向学生介绍染色和其他处理表面的方法. 

卡罗引入的另一个因素是增加了八年级学生在项目选择方面的代理权. 当学生们能够执行像狗屋这样的原创想法时,他们会更有活力,也会接受更大的挑战, 一个凳子, left-handed cooking tools, and a fire-pit bench.

Fostering a Sense of Pride and Ownership

The creations that emerge from these classes are more than just objects; they are manifestations of a student's effort, 创造力, and perseverance. 亲手制作某样东西的满足感会让人产生自豪感和归属感——这种感觉会增强自信和自尊. It’s the pride of saying, "这是我做的,这句话在学生自我发现和个人发展的道路上留下了不可磨灭的印记.

Crafts class stands as an indispensable component of education, 提供一个多方面的方法,超越了传统学习的局限. By honing practical 技能, nurturing 创造力, fostering 耐心, and instilling a sense of pride, 这些课程赋予学生力量,并用独特的知识组合武装他们, 技能, 和信心.

When Carro was asked how he can gauge student engagement. 他的回答是立即的:“当我按铃停止工作时,没有人停下来.”